Home Forums IT Services 9 Interview Questions to Find the Perfect Freelancer on Upwork

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    1. Question: Are you able to meet this timeline?
    2. Question: In your opinion, what are the three core skills needed for this project?
    3. Question: Can I see your portfolio or samples of your work?
    4. Question: Tell me about a recent freelance project you’ve worked on that you’re proud of. What particularly brought out the best in you?
    5. Question: What feedback have you received from previous clients?
    6. Question: Do you have time to take on additional work?
    7. Question: If I contract you for this project, what will you do on the first day?
    8. Question: What do you feel are the keys to success when working remotely with a client?
    9. Question: What additional questions do you have about the project or our organization?

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